Thursday, August 17, 2006


I wrote this yesterday, and again forgot to post it. Today was great! We woke up late and went to Malmo. On the way to the train station we happened upon Emma on the street! It was so great so see her after all this time. I can’t believe that it’s been since mid-December. 9 months already! We will hang out tomorrow, she had to work today.

I took the train to Malmo with Susanne, Helene’s sister. We had some lunch and a coffee on a nice street that is closed to cars. It was interesting and fun to watch all the people walking around in the main shopping area. Later, Helene joined us and we did a bit of shopping. I bought a handbag and some gloves. There were some few other things I saw that I think I might go back and buy, if I can find some money in the travel budget.

Around 4pm Helene had to go back to Lund so she dropped me at Möllevångstorget and I met up with Benjamin and John. Benjamin is a guy I met on the internet through flickr a few months ago. We went for a beer at Ölkaféet. Then we went around Malmo on bikes! There are lots of large parks and pretty buildings. I can’t believe how bike/pedestrian-friendly Malmo is. It’s really impressive! I wish Vancouver was that easy to get around, although I guess it is getting better. We had a nice time. Later, we met up with Hanneke, Jon & Benjamin’s roommate. Hanneke had been to Vancouver a few times and Jon knew a bit about Vancouver through his thesis paper on urban sprawl. It’s interesting to hear about Vancouver from the perspective of a non-resident.

I left them around 8pm and wandered around Malmo alone until about 9:30. I was very proud of myself for figuring out how to get from Benjamin’s place, to the train station, on the right train and then from the Lund C. train station to our house. I didn’t get lost at all, but to be honest, I did have a very handy Malmo map courtesy of Jon.

Didn’t do very much when I got home. Helene & Emma were both very tired after work, so we went to bed early. But what a lovely day!

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