Monday, November 20, 2006

fraser heights

fraser heights, originally uploaded by traceylikesyou.

Somehow managed to drag myself out of bed today. Still staying at my parents house. Jon Chan picked me up and we went to school together. I’m writing this now from the comfy chairs on the 6th floor of the library - home of the spotty wireless connection. Christy and I are going to hang out tonight at SFU. Looking forward to seeing her. And I’m going to finally go back to my own place tonight. It feels like I haven’t been there forever. The last two weeks have felt like a lifetime. It’ll be sad in a way, I’ve been having a really good time. It’s been nice to be so close to the Fraser Heights crew. I’m not looking forward to not being able to drink the water in Vancouver. I hope the water ban gets lifted soon. A city is only as good as it’s infrastructure. It’s amazing that it’s been almost a week without drinkable tap water. (Library)

Edit: Didn’t go home after all. Spent the evening hanging out in Fraser heights with my usual companion as of late. It was a good night.


  1. According to NEWS1130, it's a boil water recommendation, not a boil water order. That means it's just a precausion, not that there is actually a contamination. Just so that international readers don't think we live in a third world country! *wink


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